Suddenly brought back to essentials by the sight of such a poor flower, so close to the earth that you almost have to knee to see it, and meditate its lesson of silence
Christian Bobin

After a literary baccalaureate, departure for Paris for two years of psychology at the School of Practical Psychologists (Psychoprat). The loss of my old-er brother to a serious illness prompts me to change direction.
I then entered the Roederer school, and evening drawing classes in the Place des Vosges. Then at the School Met of Penninghen in Saint Germain des Prés. The following year left for Brussels, to learn the Trompe l’oeil, at the Van der Kelen school (bronze medal). Following this training, realization of trompe l’oeil projects and decorative painting in many places in Paris and in Italy. Creation of sets and backdrops for ready-to-wear fashion shows in the Cour Carrée of the Louvre: Chloé, Lanvin, J.C. de Castelbajac, Per Spook, Anne-Marie Beretta, Carven, etc.
In 1991, it is the beginning of a more personal work, and exhibitions on the theme of flowers. It continues to this day.

- 1995 et 1996 : Fleuries : l’Art du Jardin, Saint-Cloud
- 1997 : Pavots, Galerie des Arts, Saint-Barth, USA
- 1998 : L’Art au Marché, Saint-Cloud
- 2002 : L’Orange Bleue, New-York
- 2003 : Elles exposent, la Garenne Colombes
- 2004 : Eden Monceau, Paris
- 2005 : L’expo, Paris
- 2008 : Efflorescence, Galerie Etienne de Causans, Paris
- 2009 : Sur Terre et vers le Ciel, Galerie Corrado Bertone, Paris
- 2011 : Fleurs et Equilibre, Le Minuscule, Lodève
- 2012 : Floral Presence, Share With, Montauk, NY, USA
- 2013 : Terre de lumière, aperçus du réel, Galerie Métanoïa, Paris
- 2014 : Peintures Lumineuses, Salon Côté Sud, Aix-en Provence
- 2015 : Reflets, le Minuscule, Lodève, Languedoc Roussillon
- 2015 : Exposition privée, Lausanne
- 2016 : White & See, Galerie Caroline Tresca, Paris
- 2016 : Multicolore, la Chocolaterie, Marseille
- 2017 : Tentatives, Abbaye de Fontfroide, Narbonne
- 2018 et 2019 : Orchidées, Abbaye de Fontfroide, Narbonne
- 2021 : 30 Juillet au 5 Août, La Porte Royale, La Rochelle